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申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors, LLC

This Online Disclosure Notice describes the compensation received by 申博菲律宾app and 申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors, LLC (申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors) (申博菲律宾app and 申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors hereafter collectively referred to as the "Firms") with respect to the services provided by the Firms to your ERISA qualified retirement plan (the "Plan") which is or will be established directly at an 保险公司备案平台 投资 group annuity contract, group funding agreement or other insurance company issued 合同(以下统称“团体年金”). 公司不是 计划资产的保管人.

这些公司是在美国注册的证券经纪交易商.S. 证券和 Exchange Commission, both firms with headquarters located at 501 N. 百老汇, St. 路易斯,密苏里州63102. 事务所代表您的计划提供某些服务,如 下文将在 服务描述. 这些服务是由您提供的 作为其中一家公司的注册代表的财务顾问.

这两家公司 provides non-fiduciary, non-discretionary investment-related brokerage 为您的计划提供的服务. 服务可能包括提供一般研究,财务 information and data to 这个计划 to assist 这个计划 in its selection and monitoring of a recordkeeping platform and its specific investment options; meeting with the Plan to review investment information, investment performance, fee and expense analyses, and services for 这个计划; and educating the participants on investment issues.


Indirect Compensation Payable to 这两家公司 From Sources Other than 这个计划
As a registered broker-dealer, the Firms receive payments from the issuer and/or an affiliate of the issuer (the "Issuer") of 这个计划's Group 年金 contract as indirect compensation for the investment-related services provided on behalf of 这个计划. Such indirect compensation includes commissions payable from the Issuer. 佣金可以以存款为基础.e.,根据新的采购金额 团体年金)及/或以资产为基础(i.e.,根据总投资下 Group 年金), they may be charged on an ongoing basis or for only a fixed 期. 的se commissions are payments made from the Issuer's assets, they do not reduce the amount invested by 这个计划 or 这个计划's investment earnings. 的 amount of any commission payable from the Issuer of the Group 年金 to the Firms is described in the proposal or the contract or service agreement from the Group 年金.

In addition to commissions, the Issuer may also pay the Firms' expenses, or provide non-cash items and services, to facilitate training and educational meetings for the Firms' financial advisors, which do not depend on the amount of 这个计划's investment 在团体年金下.

申博菲律宾app 从本计划获得间接补偿. 这些付款是 not shared with any entities affiliated with 申博菲律宾app or with any other entities.
申博菲律宾app独立顾问从该计划中获得补偿. 这些款项支付给 申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors are divided between 申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors and your registered representative (as an independent contractor), with 申博菲律宾app Independent Advisors receiving between 10% to 40% of the total compensation and your representative receiving 占总薪酬的60%至90%(平均69%).

这两家公司 do not receive any additional compensation in connection with the termination 计划的投资相关服务.

This Notice describes certain types of compensation payable directly or indirectly to 这两家公司 in connection with the investment-related services provided on behalf 你的计划. 本通知所载资料旨在满足 disclosure requirements under Section 408(b)(2) of the Employee Retirement Income 经修订的1974年《申慱sunbet手机版》(ERISA). 本计划可能产生其他服务费用 这些款项不应支付给公司. 这些费用可能包括法律费用、费用 and other costs payable to 这个计划's administrative service 提供者s, the cost for auditing 这个计划's financial statements, other related expenses. 信息 regarding these other service charges may be obtained from the applicable service 提供者. In addition, please refer to your Group 年金 recordkeeping platform's 建议书、服务协议和/或合同.

本公告为计划受托人提供重要资料. 然而,确实如此 not modify or augment our legal responsibilities as previously provided in agreements 或申博菲律宾app或其关联公司提供的其他材料. 的信息 included herein provides important information for plan fiduciaries, however is not intended to create, replace or modify any existing or prospective agreement 现在或将来可能存在的公司.

If you have questions regarding the services and/or compensation related to your Plan after reviewing this Online Disclosure, please send an inquiry to our ERISA 408(b)(2)披露问题邮箱 408年b2inquiries@anchoragedev.com.